Project Summary

There are many war-affected families, particularly single women who struggle to meet ends meet without any employment or livelihood opportunities. To address this problem, Sivan Arul has implemented the following projects:

  • Revolving Fund Projects- Groups of 12 women are selected with the help of the Rural women group, livelihood projects are identified ( according to their capabilities), and these projects are funded (Rs50,000) as a loan without interest. Projects are monitored and helped if in difficulties. Once the loan is returned, it is then revolved into another project. To date, 200 such projects have been completed giving livelihood to almost 2500 women.
  • Monthly financial support to 30 paraplegics.
  • Monthly financial support for individuals who cannot work due to serious war injuries.
  • Single women-headed families are identified and rehabilitated with a livelihood project such as home farming, cattle raring, small home business, etc.