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Project Summary

children attending many of the schools in remote areas of Vanni come from a very poor backgrounds living under the poverty line. many cannot even afford a daily meal. Many of these kids turn up to the school without breakfast or do not turn up because they haven’t had anything to eat. To address this problem of undernutrition, Sivan Arul developed a school feeding program by supplying “Navaposa”. Navaposha is made from 9 protein-rich bowls of cereal adding coconut and a small amount of sugar. These small packets are distributed to schools free of charge. Field workers are employed to supervise and report on these projects.

We have been pleased with the feedback from the school teachers and community workers.

Not only improving the nutritional status, but it has also increased the attendance of the children at the school.

The added benefit is that this product is made in the factory and this gives job opportunities to our war-affected ladies.

Currently, individuals and organizations from the UK, Australia, and NZ are sponsoring these projects. There is an increased demand and requests from numerous schools in Vanni- We will be able to support as many as possible if there are more donors to help with this program.